Saturday, October 16, 2010

Journal #2 “Join the Flock”-Hadely Ferguson & “Enhance Your Twitter Experience” -Shannon McClintock Miller NETS-T 3&5

APA Citation:
Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the Flock! Learning and Leading, 37, 8. Retrieved October, 2010

McClintock Miller, S. (2010). Enhance Your Twitter Experience. Learning and Leading, 37, 8.

The Join the Flock article was interesting in that it offers teachers a step by step guide on how to effectively sign-up and use your twitter account. The article describes how a teachers twitter can best “follow” somebody's posts on twitter and re-tweet your own personal ideas for other twitter-ers. Tagging your tweets adds it to the streams of other educators who also follow the same things thus starting the twitter cycle again.

The Ehance Your Twitter Experience article was interesting in that it offered actual examples of how Twitter has helped a teacher. She used twitter to teach her Technology and Information Literacy by using Ruggero Domenichini's Web 2.0 tool to her seventh grade class which she would not have been able to do without Twitter. Chances are she would have never even found out about Web 2.0 unless it was for Twitter because Ruggero Domenichini lives in New Zealand. The article continues to offer some tips for those who are not fully engaged in Twitter, for example searching for hashtags that interest you will allow you to connect with peoples twitter accounts that can be helpful to you. By using a Bookmarklet twitter-ers are able to send ideas out to anyone who follows your tweets or hashtags sort of like sending an email and forwarding it except that it does it for you.

Question #1 How can Twitter assist me as an educator?

By far the best thing about Twitter is that it is free and online. When something is free and online it opens its doors to everyone and anyone with an internet connection. I can use twitter to find information regarding anything in education, from ideas in lesson plans to what's going on in the news about education. Personally I am someone who gets frustrated when searching for anything on the internet and I feel like I am so statter brained because of how busy I am that I don't take the time to develop new ideas. I feel like by being active in twitter it will help me see the ideas of other educators who are probably going through the same things I am and it will encourage me to add to the world twitter by posting and hash tagging my ideas and findings.

Question #2 Can I use Twitter as a means of communication between me and my students parents?

One thing that I stress about with teaching is parent involvement. In a perfect teaching world every teacher would have the assistance of each students parents or gaurdians but realistaclly that is not the case. If parents were able to follow my tags on twitter it could help them understand the types of things we are covering in class. I plan to use twitter to connect with other educators so why not use it to connect with parents.

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