School 2.0 NETS-T 4

Reflection results for NETS-T Module: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments: I chose this standard because I want to be able to implement any new technology that comes out into my classroom. Students are easiliy consumed by any new gadget that comes out so if I can get it involved into my class I might be able to regain the attention on my students. 
Too Cool for School? No Way!
The article I read referenced to the idea that any new technology that comes out is viewed as cool, unfortunately these cool new technological advancements are not directed toward teaching. The article suggests that instead of teachers fearing technology that does not immediately associate with education we need to use these tools to our advantage. The article focuses on three different technological gadgets; micro blogging, visual search engines, and music DJ software. Similar to what this class focuses on, the micro blogging section of the article describes that it is important to have all the students posting in a safe setting that only other students can view classroom posts. Having micro blogging available for students can motivate them to actually complete an assignment because it has a component that students these days care about, the internet. The article moved on to discuss how using specialized search engines like Viewzi, Cuil, and Clusty. By using these search engines students explore their search results to see how words and phrases are borrowed, re-combined, and re-circulated, and they reflect on how the same words can mean different things in different contexts. By using DJ software such as trakAxPC math teachers could used it to teach mathematical concepts such as ratios, fractions, and percentages. The article sums up the use of DJ software by stating that by relating mathematical concepts, such as ratios and percent- ages, to rhythm, music, and tempo it is a way to creatively build patterns for students.